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Remakers Mark
Remaking our favorites, for you. In this podcast, a group of über nerds talk about how we would recast our favorite movies and properties, what plot holes we would fill, and how technology (both in filmmaking and in today’s world) would change things. Throw in some fun and funny segments, and you’ve got Remakers Mark!
Other People’s Words
Created by Remakers Mark-er Andy Wicks, Other People’s Words features his friends reading some of their favorite poetry or literature, with some insight as to what attracted them to that piece in the first place. His hope is that it exposes you to something you haven’t heard before, or let’s you experience the words in a new way, and that it brings you a little peace.

XOXOJK is a show about real stuff, funny stuff, good stuff and all the stuff in between from the eyes and mouths of Kate O’Reilly (typically the ‘XOXO’) and Jenn Schaal (more often than not the ‘JK’). Sometimes the roles are switched but you’ll always get the truth from these two thoughtful and smart-mouthed ladies.
Kylo Trump

Kylo Trump shows the way to the dark side of politics in a humorous way – Donald Trump’s words in Kylo Ren’s voice. Always under a minute.
This is by no means endorsed by, or reflecting the views of Lucasfilm, Disney, or the Trump administration. Which makes it even better, really.
‘Vader’s Redemption’ music provided by Ian Gordon.
Making Good Choices

Whether you’re talking about good choices or bad decisions, it all comes back to the same place: Great stories. Join your host, Amber L. Carter, as she sits down with a new guest every week to talk about the super smart choices and hilariously bad decisions we all make when trying to get this whole “life” thing right.
Pizza Rainbow

Pizza Rainbow is about real teens, talking about real teens issues! * HUGS * (Editor’s Note: “Real teens” refers to two awesome chicks in their 30s named Amber and Jen, and “real teen issues” refers to current pop culture obsessions that are used as a catalyst for in-depth discussions about feelings, friendship, dirty emojis, life goals, relationships, and the proper use of Tinder)

Buzzedwords is a live discussion and game show featuring two interesting people and a bottle of whiskey, hosted by Jeff Kamin. The guests discuss their areas of expertise with the host at the start of each half of the show. There are a selection of ten words each person is not allowed to say; if they say any of the words, they must drink.
This Is Yay

This Is Yay is a talk show/game show/sketch show recorded at the house of Mike Fotis. Each episode, Mike and his guests dive into each other’s deepest fears and discover the beauty that lies within. That’s not true. I’m sure self discovery occurs, but if so, it’s an addendum.
Nerd Nite MN (Video Podcast)

Live broadcasts from the Minnesota chapters of Nerd Nite. Each recording includes several presentations on nerdy topics that the presenters are well informed and passionate about. Take a liberal sprinkling of laughter and mix it with a heavy dash of learning, and you’ve got Nerd Nite.
Just like with our great podcasts, the best way to make sure automatically get our latest blog posts is to subscribe to them in an RSS reader. We recommend Feedbin, but other great options exist including Digg, Feedly, and Minimal Reader. Simply copy the ‘Subscribe via RSS’ links below, and paste them into your RSS reader’s ‘Add/Subscribe’ area.
Phone Home

In ‘Phone Home’ friends share the home screens from their smartphones, and with that, their favorite apps, how they use their phone in their daily lives, and what additional apps they’d love to see created.
Archival Footage

Archival Footage, written by Remakers Mark panelist Mark Joesting, takes a look at the historical accuracy (or lack thereof) in some of your favorite history-based films.

The personal blog of Math Is Hard founder Kyle DeLaHunt, featurings musings on technology, music, apps, and more.
Chartered Trips

Chartered Trips takes a deep dive into music that deserves that level of exploration and analysis. Focusing on the process, production, and songs behind albums and bands that author Colin Kerns has always loved, but maybe haven’t received the attention or accolades they deserve, Chartered Trips is a must read for all music lovers.
Remaker’s Mark Blog

Additional musings and reviews from the folks behind Remaker’s Mark. The Director’s Cut, if you will.
Math Is Hard News

News and information about the Math Is Hard Network. Updates on new and existing MIH properties, alike.