Who watches the Watchmen? We do, daggummit! Here we tackle how to recast the six major vigilantes from the 2009 Zack Snyder film, and somehow manage to not drop any squids on anyone. That we're aware of, at least. Watchmen FilmGraphic … [Read more]
By Kyle
Who watches the Watchmen? We do, daggummit! Here we tackle how to recast the six major vigilantes from the 2009 Zack Snyder film, and somehow manage to not drop any squids on anyone. That we're aware of, at least. Watchmen FilmGraphic … [Read more]
By Kyle
We typically talk about remaking movies, but crazy times call for...special episodes. Let's mix things up. Instead of movies, what about songs? Welcome to part 2 of a two-part special episode, where we talk about our favorite and least-favorite … [Read more]
By Kyle
We typically talk about remaking movies, but crazy times call for...special episodes. Let's mix things up. Instead of movies, what about songs? Welcome to part 1 of a two-part special episode, where we talk about our favorite and least-favorite … [Read more]
By Kyle
I assume he punched him so hard he exploded, and his hat popped up.- Andy In a topsy-turvy world, it's good to know that Raiders of the Lost Ark exists. We are not shy in our praise of this movie, despite its inherent silliness and gaping plot … [Read more]
By Kyle
From out of the deep in the darkest jungles of South America, nimbly avoiding amazingly crafted ancient architectural traps, covered in cobwebs, emerges the first half of our episode on Raiders of the Lost Ark! Oh, what fun we had. We check off … [Read more]
By Kyle
Any reference to real events and persons living or dead is not accidental. It is deliberate. We conclude our recasting and discussion of Z, the 1969 French-Algerian political murder suspense procedural drama. We talk about how awkward it is … [Read more]