Quiet, but not in the charming way. Because we like messing with the time-space continuum, we decided to take on Terry Gilliam's 1995 film Twelve Monkeys. Or did this already happen in the past? Why do you look familiar? I've seen you … [Read more]
By Kyle
Quiet, but not in the charming way. Because we like messing with the time-space continuum, we decided to take on Terry Gilliam's 1995 film Twelve Monkeys. Or did this already happen in the past? Why do you look familiar? I've seen you … [Read more]
By Kyle
We were all using our very best NPR voices... Part 3 (WHAT?!) of our discussion of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is here, in which we discuss our alpha test episode from way back in 2012, and how our picks (and the whole dang podcast itself) … [Read more]
By Kyle
No Ubers in Stubbsville Welcome to part two of our discussion of Planes, Trains, & Automobiles, in which we coin a term for a new mashup genre, discuss our least favorite movies to remake, talk about so many sexy statistics, and about the … [Read more]
By Kyle
Cumberbatch and Streep at Nebraska Welcome to a remake of a remake, ladies and gentlemen. In honor of our 50th regular episode, we decided to go back to our roots and remake our very first beta episode about Planes, Trains, & Automobiles. The … [Read more]
By Kyle
He says ‘baby’ so much! Now listen here...we're going to talk about Double Indemnity again and you're going to like it, see. Along the way, we fired up our weird dictaphones, and took a deep dive into Film Noir, both old and new (including some … [Read more]
By Kyle
There's serious air quotes over 'serious role' there... Listen, baby, and listen good. We take on the noir-est of all films, Double Indemnity, the darkest movie about insurance fraud you'll ever see. This is the third Billy Wilder project we've … [Read more]